Rotary club of Pune Metro has been conducting Jaypur / Modular Foot camp consecutively for last 8 years. Idea of this project came into my mind while discussing with one of my friends. He told me that he has donated cost of two Jaypur foots to one of the NGOs called...
Anubandha end-to-end Cancer Patient Care
A 'Cancer Awareness – Screening – Detection - Treatment with Counselling Project' for Rural folks around Pune, Anubandh is Rotary Club of Pune Metro’s end-to-end innovative dream project. All activities are patient centric. Patient will be moved thru the treatment...
Jaypur Foot Project
Modular Foot Camp Rotary club of pune metro has been conducting Jaypur Foot camp for last consecutive 8 years. This project consists of two camps. One for measurement and the other for actual fitting of the Jaypur foot. So far, 60 to 70 people have benefitted from...
Cervical Cancer Vaccination Camp
Cervical Cancer Vaccination Camp ( GG 1979804) Ramchandra Rathi School on 29 March 2022. On 29th March 2022. RCPM conducted Cervical Cancer Vaccination camp to vaccinate 50 girls from Ramchandra Rathi School with second dose of Gardasil Vaccine. Camp started at...
Give n Shoot For Anubandh
GIVEnSHOOT Event for Anubandh Friends, here is your opportunity to explore your long unfulfilled desire to try Olympic-style rifle shooting – that too with World Champion Ms. Anjali Bhagwat, at the Anjali Bhagwat Shooting Academy (ABSA), in the heart of Pune City. You...
अल्पउत्पन्नधारकांसाठी मोफत कोव्हिड लसीकरण.
रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पुणे मेट्रो तर्फे अल्पउत्पन्नधारकांसाठी मोफत कोव्हिड लसीकरण. दि २२ सप्टेंबर रोजी, गांधीनगर- जयप्रकाशनगर, पुणे ६ येथे अल्प उत्पन्नधारकांसाठी मोफत कोव्हिड लसीकरण केंद्राचे उद्घाटन झाले. आदरणीय कर्णे गुरुजी, रो. उदय कर्णे यांच्या योगे रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पुणे...
Cervical Cancer Vaccination Programme
On 11th August Remaining Cervical Cancer program was completed. Cervical Cancer Vaccination camp was organised at Sane Guruji Hospital, Hadapsar, on 11th August, 2021. President Sneha, Anna Uday & myself attended the camp. In all 158 girls were administered the...
'कोरोनाची जनजागृती'
रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पुणे मेट्रो तर्फे आंबेगाव च्या पश्चिम भागात कोरोनाची जनजागृती आंबेगाव तालुक्यातील पश्चिम आदिवासी बहुल भागांतील ३२ गावांमधून कोरोना या रोगाविषयी माहिती सांगून जनजागृती करण्यात आली. रोटरी क्लब मेट्रो,पुणे यांच्या सहकार्याने व आदिम संस्कृती अभ्यास,संशोधन व...