Vocational Service Awards Distribution The felicitation program on January 23rd was organised and conducted by Ann Madhavi Kulkarni. It started with beautiful song rendered by Annet Ananya Joglekar praising Shri Sharada, the Goddess of various art forms. The first...
Community Service
Wheels of Progress
Cycle Donation at Sankalp Vasatigruh, Rashin under the District initiative. We have donated 11 new bicycles to the children staying at Vasatigruh. This initiative will reduce the time taken to walk back and forth to school and also make them independent.
Adult Literacy 2024
गाडेकरवाडी व राजेवाडी येथे प्रौढ साक्षरता वर्ग सुरु रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पुणे मेट्रो चॅररटेिल ट्रस्ट आणि आदिम संस्कृती, अभ्यास संशोधन व मानव विकास सांस्थेचा संयुक्त उपक्रम घोडेगाव : राजेवाडी, गाडेकरवाडी (गोहे खुर्द) येथे प्रौढ साक्षरता वर्ग सुरु करण्यात आले . आदिम...
RYLA 2024
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards: Date: 21/ 22 September 2024 Venue: Tata Hall, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Law College Road, PUNE Host Club: Rotary Club of Pune (RCP) Metro Synergy Clubs: RCP South & RCP Phoenix Day 1 (21st September 2024) Registrations...
Addiction Awareness Session
Screen time is a serious and volatile issue nowadays. Parents and children are struggling to solve the same. What is the solution for this? How can one handle this issue? For our interactors RCPM Youth team introduced "Screen Addiction Awareness" Project. RCPM and...
Chhatrachhaya Project
We completed the Chhatrachhaya project under District 3131 project in the month of July 2024 by distributing umbrellas to 20 authorised street vendors in and around Pune in the areas of Vimannagar, Warje, Rajendra Nagar, etc. More than 105 clubs took part in this...
RYLA program (6th Jan and 7th Jan 2024)
Rotary Club of Pune Metro completed its 2 days RYLA program (6th Jan and 7th Jan). RYLA was focused on the leadership skill development and sessions were planned to improve communication skills, leadership qualities, team building games, improving concentration and...
Vocational Service Awards
Our club's Vocational Service Awards ceremony took place on the 11th of January' 2024. A Vocational Service Awards committee was formed having Convenor Rtn. Manjiri Kuvavala, Rtn. Madhavi Chouhan, Ann. Ashwini Joshi, Rtn. Dattatray Punchwagh, Rtn. Padma Shahane and...
Areators Project: SAVE WATER SAVE EARTH Under the guidance of President Surekha Deshapande, we launched our first aerator project for RY 2023-24. Mission 1 lakh Aerators is one of the thrust projects of District 3131, which DG Manjoo Phadke announced. We RCP Metro are...