Cervical Cancer Vaccination Camp

Cervical Cancer Vaccination Camp  ( GG 1979804) Ramchandra Rathi School on 29 March 2022.

On 29th March 2022. RCPM conducted Cervical Cancer Vaccination  camp  to vaccinate 50 girls from Ramchandra Rathi School with second dose of Gardasil Vaccine. Camp started at 2:15 PM.  Anna Dr. Kirti Singh Chouhan with his assistant Dr. Girija administered the vaccines. They were joined by Annet Dr. Shreya Chahure in administering the vaccine. With three doctors in action, the camp got over in less than 1 hour.  PE Vivek got the necessary number of Vaccines/Syringes/needles  and after the camp, returned back all the unused ones to the distributor.  

Rtn Madhavi Chouhan, Anna Uday, PP Bhavana, IPP Makarand, President Sneha, PE Vivek (Convenor) from Rotary club of Pune Metro participated in the camp as volunteers.

Thanks to Ms Madhura Mone Madam and her staff for making perfect school arrangements.

Thanks to Dr. Kirti, Dr. Girija and Dr. Shreya for administering the vaccines.

Thanks to all Rotary Volunteers for providing necessary support to Doctors/School staff  to make this camp a success. Special thanks to Rtn Madhavi Chouhan to convince Anna Dr. Kirti to administer Vaccines.

Photos are already posted on General group by PE Vivek and Anna Uday.

PE Vivek Kulkarni

Rotary Club of Pune Metro Logo

Rotarian Surekha Deshpande

President 2023-24

(M) 9823019069
Email: president.rcpm@gmail.com


Rotarian Prerana Joshi

Secretary 2023-24

(M) 9158998136
Email: prerana.joshi@gmail.com