Dear Teachers,
A hearty welcome to all of you in this project titled
which is organized by ‘District Literacy Team of Rotary International District 3131’
We are sure that I T skills learned through this program will definitely make you tech savvy teachers to face online teaching challenges confidently.
This training is free of cost.
Project Period : “10 Aug to 16 Aug”
Also, you can avail and complete this training offline, as per your convenience, at home, through WhatsApp platform.
Rotary feels that your response to this project symbolizes your heartfelt commitment and dedication towards reaching your students in this unprecedented situation of Covid-19. It is heartening to know that you are willing to be a part of this joyous process of changing as per the need of time.
For five consecutive days, three short videos of Digital / IT skills, explained in simple Marathi and English language, along with pertaining questions will be shared with the teachers through specially created WhatsApp groups. Teachers can view and understand the IT skills in these videos at their convenience anytime during the day. Please find time to practice these skills by yourselves.
You can revise and practice all the I T skills on the sixth day and appear for an online test on the seventh day.
You need to register by clicking on the ‘Google form registration link’ given below to register and submit thereafter
Click on any one of the links given below to join a WhatsApp group.
Link 2
Let us be a part of this journey towards becoming a Smart Teacher.
Best compliments to all of you & Happy Learning
“District Literacy Team”
Rotary International District 3131
Rotary Club of Pune Metro: President : Rtn.Makarand Phadke, CLCC: Rtn.PP.Padma Shahane
Coordinators: Sangeeta Sontakke 98230 61600, Jyoti Bokil 98233 83456, R. Mehendaley 97666 39109