Club Events

Christmas and Year-end Celebration

Christmas and Year-end Celebration

Goan Style! A wonderful evening was had by all. The evening started with a fellowship with Goan music in the background. The formal meeting was followed by Rotarian Shobhanatai Paranjape who shared the details of her work with the Rastriya Mahila Samiti and its NGO -...

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The Halloween Party

The Halloween Party

R. C Pune Metro Fellowship Event on 26th October 2023  Pres Surekha had expressed her desire at the beginning of the RY 23 -24 to have a Halloween Theme Party in the last week of Oct and let our members experience Halloween!! Bengal was the theme for October and our...

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Onam Special Dinner

Onam Special Dinner

Report by Rtn. PP Mukund Chiplunkar31st August 2023 After weeks of learning Malayalam language through audio lessons and few meetings focusing on the theme of Kerala state and its culture, when Onam arrived at the end of August, it was quite natural to plan a...

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DRT Program

DRT Program

PP Rtn. Mohan Chhatre24th August 2023 Our Club undertook the first of the three DRT program planned for the year on 24th August. District Resource Trainer Rtn Radha Gokhale was invited to conduct this program in the presence of AG Rtn Vasavi Mulay. The members were...

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Taal Vadya Kachehri

Taal Vadya Kachehri

Colours of the Nation: Taal Vadya Kachehri It was the First weekly meeting of the newly elected President Surekha Deshpande. Surekha gave her formal address and Secretary Prerna Joshi gave her secretarial announcement. After the rotary protocol started the Musical...

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Installation 23-24

Installation 23-24

Installation of RC Pune Metro was undertaken on 28th June 2023  On 28th June, in a well planned, well executed program RC Pune Metro installed its new President Rtn Surekha Deshpande, Secretary Rtn Prerana Joshi and the BOD for RY 2023-24. DGN Rtn Shital Shah graced...

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Kajra Muhobbatwala

Kajra Muhobbatwala

Kajra Muhobbatwala a Diwali Celebration Diwali was celebrated with a lovely program by Sursakhees. Ann Shubhada Joshi writes about the experience. Relive the experience by listening to the songs by the lovely Sursakhees!Diwali was celebrated with a lovely program by...

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