Interactive Intelligent Panel Project February 2021
Interactive Intelligent Panel (IIP); in other words a ‘smart board’ or ‘digital classroom’ for school, was project initiated by IPP Mukund during his tenure, in 2019. IPP Mukund shared quotations and data about the the project in May 2020.
After searching, studying and comparing available similar products, we finalized one manufacturer – supplier based on advanced technology. A virtual demonstration was arranged with a few club members and school teachers.
Discussions amongst members and feedback about same IIP from different schools; concluded that the board or IIP is suitable for school.
Another virtual meeting with school teachers of different subjects and some of our members was arranged. In this meeting teachers gave their opinion about IIP and their plans of how they will use the IIP for their subject. All teachers gave very positive feedback. Everyone opined that IIPs will be beneficial for students.
That is how ‘Senses Interactive Intelligent 65” Lite Panel’ sold through ‘Microline India Pvt. Ltd.’ was finalized. As schools were to open in January first week, rates and other details were worked out with Microline. Necessary financial activities were carried out by treasurer Hemant on behalf of Rotary Club of Pune Metro Charitable Trust.
Two numbers of IIPs were donated by our Rotary Club of Pune Metro Charitable Trust to MES Rani Laxmibai Mulinchi Sainiki Shala & Jr.College. These were delivered on 28th December. IIPs were installed on 6th January, in two halls, viz. Godbole sabhagriha and Music Room. Training was imparted to teachers on 11th January and teachers started using IIPs efficiently and effectively.
On 27th February, official handing over function was held at school. Because of covid19, limited members were allowed. President Makarand, IPP Mukund, Secretary Vivek, Director service projects Vandana, PE Sneha, PN Surekha and convener Girish were present on behalf of our club. PP Dr. Madhavi represented MES. Dr. Vidhate, Principal of school and commandant Gp Captain (Retd) Vijay Kulkarni, school teachers and a few students attended the function.
MOU was signed between RCPM charitable trust and school before the function.
Jagdhane sir from the school, compered the program smoothly. Demonstration of how the board is being used, was an interesting part of the function. President Makarand talked about Rotary and club’s projects. Convener Girish took through the journey of the project. PP Dr. Madhavi expressed her thoughts about MES, Rotary and the project. Students narrated their experience of learning with IIP. Vidhate Madam expressed her thoughts about benefits of IIP and expressed gratitude towards our club.
Number of beneficiaries of the project are more than 600 students, as the school has prepared a timetable for each class to undergo learning through IIP. RCPM will monitor the usage of IIPs and how students are benefited by IIPs.
By Rtn. Girish Ranade, Convener Interactive Intelligent Panel Project