
This is a signature project of RCPM. This year it was held in “Garware College of Commerce” from 22nd to 24th July. Ann Neelima Bodhani was the Convenor. Ann Mugdha Chiplunkar and Ann Sangeeta Sontakke were also there in the core committee and attended all the sessions over three days. From College, Vice Principal, Mrs. Modak, Mrs. Kavediya and Mrs. Khilare were actively involved. Dr. Madhavi Mehendaley played a major role in ensuring successful completion, as she represented RCPM and MES Manegment both. From the very first meeting College committee was very cooperative in each and every aspect. Usually RCPM members/ Anns provide home cooked food to Dr. Rani Tai and her team members. This year IPP Rtn. Bhavana Chahure, Ann Neha Tilgulkar, and Ann Snehalata Chhatre arranged a delicious lunch for all the guests over all three days. The Pro Vice Chancellor of SPPU (Savitribai Phule Pune University), Dr. Umrani, was the chief guest for the opening ceremony. Dr. Rani Tai established a good connect with students right from her first speech. Thereafter, it was just she herself, her team and students all the way. Tarunyabhan was a successful event this year too. 375 students registered for it. They were all given participation certificates at the end. On the 2nd day our Club members enjoyed a movie ‘ Smile Please’ with Dr. Rani Tai as an informal or flexi (Rotary) meeting. In the beginning, students were wondering about how they would sit through the course over three days from 9 am to 5 pm. Valedictory function was attended by many College staff members, Rotarians, Anns and Annas. Shri Rajeev Sahasrabuddhe, Chairman of MES governing body, was the chief guest. However, in the end they expressed gratitude towards Dr. Rani Tai for comprehensive knowledge of the subject. They promised to spread the same among their friends and behave responsibly as the parents. Students were not ready to leave Rani Tai even after 6pm. The Students en- joyed the dance on famous songs at the end of the function nearly till 6:30 pm. Dr. Madhavi Mehendaley took an informal interview of Dr. Rani Tai, mainly for the whole staff of the College. We could get glimpses of the challenging experiences in her life. College staff then hosted a dinner for Dr. Rani Tai and her team which was followed by emotional send off by Rotarians. On the whole it was a memorable event and another unforgettable experience for many Rotarians, Garware College and students alike!

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Rotarian Surekha Deshpande

President 2023-24

(M) 9823019069
Email: president.rcpm@gmail.com


Rotarian Prerana Joshi

Secretary 2023-24

(M) 9158998136
Email: prerana.joshi@gmail.com