RCPM Project 18th and 19th August 2023
Empowerment of women in our society is the key to economic and social growth. Empowerment can happen at different levels – women’s sense of self-worth; their right to choices; their right to have access to opportunities and resources; their right to have power to control their own lives within and outside the home; and their ability to influence the social and economic fabric.
Empowering women is thus the need of the society and it is one of the thrust areas of Rotary. Every year, our club conducts a 2-days workshop for ‘Empowering women through Enterprise’. This workshop trains around 20-25 Women from lower economic strata of the society to enable them to start or sustain their own tiny businesses. The workshop includes sessions on Basic Management and Entrepreneurship Concepts, Quality and Time management, Finance & Accounts writing, Marketing Concepts, Stress Management, and Bank Facilities for women. The concluding session has 3 successful women entrepreneurs share their journey and experiences with the participants.
This impactful project of our club is duly supported by the NGO Jagruti Seva Sanstha and IndSearch Management College. This project has been on-going since last 17 consecutive years by our club and is ably spearheaded every year by Ann. Ashwini Joshi as its Convener.
This project is a great success and has been generating a very positive response from participants every year. So far, we have trained over 350 women under this initiative. Many of these women are running their businesses successfully. It is extremely heartening to see when women who have completed this workshop in earlier years, come to share their experiences in the concluding session of the workshop. They express how lucky they have been to have attend such a program and the training enhanced their capabilities and helped them in starting and carrying out their small enterprise more effectively and profitably. They express heartfelt gratitude to our club for this noble initiative.
Ann. Ashwini Joshi