Paint to Save Stream

Save Stream Wall Painting Event 8th Jan 2023

Our city is in the watershed region of the rivers Mula and Mutha. There are several streams that run through the city to join the Mula and Mutha rivers from various hillslopes within the city.

As the stream flows from the source, several processes take place. When it flows over rocks, thin layer of water get oxygen from air. The sunlight allows life to thrive in it. The bacteria in the stream breakdown the waste material creating food for aquatic organisms like the plants, insects, and fish. These organisms create several food chains which keep the stream clean and healthy. Thus, an undisturbed stream has the ability to clean itself, giving us a good source of water. This service is provided to us by nature for free.

It is observed that several things may happen when the stream flows through a city. It may have a restricted course due to cementing of its banks or encroachments or it may even flow through pipes. There may be sewage or garbage dumped in it, severely affecting its self-cleaning ability.

To bring awareness about this issue, we chose the stream on Baner Road; which originates in Panchavati hills flows through National Chemical Laboratory campus and Sindh society before joining the Mula river. The stream crosses the Baner Road via pipes from National Chemical Laboratory campus and empties into its natural channel between the Sindh and National societies. There are native species of aquatic and riparian and bank vegetation, bird and animals making it an aquatic ecosystem. The urban interference on the stream consists of garbage dumps in the stream and a urinal on the road dumping sewage into the stream further degrading the ecosystem. The wall built on the culvert, obstructs the natural runoff of rainwater from adjacent areas, creating flooding of the roads during monsoon.

To make people aware of the multiple problems associated with this stream, The Rotary Club of Pune Metro carried out a beautification activity near the stream. This activity was carried over 2 weekends 31st Dec 22 and 7th Jan 2023. Activity was also a great assimilation and fun event as well as notable PI activity for RCPM.

 Several wall paintings depicting the problems of the stream were done by enthusiastic volunteers of all age groups under the able guidance of Ms. Abha Bhagwat, an artist and a social enthusiast. In addition, Smt. Shailaja Deshpande of Jeevitnadi educated the volunteers about the stream ecology. Sindh Society and its members have supported this activity wholeheartedly. Smt. Asha Raut, Smt. Ketaki Ghadge of PMC Solid Waste Management, Shri Khalate, Assistant Municipal Commissioner, Shri Bhoir and Smt Niman provided the much-needed support in keeping the area clean. Mr. Madhav Kirloskar, Chairman Sindh Society, felicitated the artist and other contributors who made the wall painting activity a success. This event was conceived and spearheaded by Rtn. Rajas Phadke.

Rotary Club of Pune Metro concurs that the cleaning of the river starts with the cleaning of the streams at its source. And to make this happen, Rotary clubs and conscientious citizens will certainly come forward.

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Rotarian Surekha Deshpande

President 2023-24

(M) 9823019069


Rotarian Prerana Joshi

Secretary 2023-24

(M) 9158998136