Meet and Greet on December 24th
Nostalgia was revisited today as we metropolitans met, interacted, laughed, played a small “Santa Claus” game and then had a hearty dinner, thanks to the President and the first lady.
The meeting began with a short address by President Makarand which were followed by Secretarial announcements by Rtn. Vivek. Future first couple Rtn. Sneha and Uday made an innovative appeal for our fund raiser events. This was followed by distribution of PHF pins and handing over of wedding and anniversary gifts. The wonderful game organized by first lady Ann Yogeshree and Ann Kavita saw members bring in and then pick up at random thoughtful gifts that were much appreciated.
Coincidentally, our first couple, the Phadke’s celebrated their anniversary on this very day and you can see the cake cutting picture.
The real spirit of the meeting is more aptly captured by pictures and so here you are seeing more pictures and lesser text.
Kudos to Ann Madhavi Kulkarni and the December shiledars!!