Sub: Making audio books for the visually challenged.
RC Pune Metro was delighted to have Mrs. Prachi Gurjar to speak today on her selfless yet stupendous work of making audio books for the visually impaired.
Ann Madhavi Kulkarni conducted the interview of Mrs. Gurjar extensively and asked questions that brought out the humane side as well as the operational details of the making of audio books for the visually challenged.
Mrs. Gurjar explained that a book is taken up for converting into MP3 audio files based on the demand and feedback from the users and other institutes working for the visually challenged. About 5000 books have been converted into audio files so far, and these include not only basic study material and preparatory texts for civil services exams but also other interesting fictional books, newspaper editorials, news and analysis, tutorials based on lessons, and subjects of general interest. Starting from working alone, Mrs. Gurjar works with 300 volunteers now, and more are being added every month. Books are currently in Hindi, English and Marathi and have been procured by several colleges and NGO’s all over Maharashtra as well as from other states. Indeed, the audio books have found great demand even from agencies working with learning challenges, and those with physical challenges that make it difficult to hold printed books.
What is surprising and very gratifying is that all this work is done totally complimentary and distributed free of charge. Such is the vision of Mrs. Gurjar that she encourages free sharing of her audio books by recipient institutions, and especially those in rural areas so that these books are available for the benefit of all the strata of society.
Our kudos and salutes to the selfless social service being done by Mrs. Gurjar.