Borewell Recharge

Report by Rtn. Reshma Sambare

Rotary Club of Pune Metro, District 3131 has been closely working with the Pune District Administration (ZP) to identify the villages, hamlets that are water-starved and need groundwater resource strengthening. As per the administration, there are more than 2000 handpumps that have become seasonal every year or have completely dried up. Rotary District 3131, Pune Zilla Parishad, and the technology partner for borewell recharge technology -Urdhwam Environmental Technologies, have entered into an MOU to jointly undertake this Project.

Rotary Club of Pune Metro has identified over 200 borewells which dry up 3months post-monsoon and provide low to no yield in Junnar and Ambegaon Talukas of District 3131. Villagers (mostly women and girls) have to walk 2 to 3kms each day between January and early June to fetch water for daily use. Farmers rely only on one crop that can be supported by rainwater during the monsoon season. Lately, monsoon rains have been uneven and the percentage of precipitation continues to lower each year. A low-cost decentralized intervention of recharging the existing borewells that are publicly owned can increase the water yield and prolong the local water supply in many villages. The costs of implementation will be under Rs. 20,000 per borewell.

RCPM has secured a foreign partner club to join hands for this Project. Through this partnership, RCPM intends to submit a Global Grant Application in support of this Project. We are actively recruiting synergy club partners to widen the impact of this Project. We hope you will consider joining hands for this noble cause.

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Rotarian Surekha Deshpande

President 2023-24

(M) 9823019069


Rotarian Prerana Joshi

Secretary 2023-24

(M) 9158998136